- Vedic Astrology ReadingVedic Astrology Chart Analysis
Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotisha or Hindu Astrology originates from India and has been used for many centuries.
Based on the date, time and location of birth you can get an accurate and detailed description of your life in general, your future as well as the current year.
Vedic Astrology is used as a tool to improve your life as it not only warns about certain obstacles and difficulties to expect, but also gives simple remedies to help minimize or avoid the negative effects. By applying the remedies as the proposed solution, the positive effect will be amplified against the negative, harmful effects of planetary positions.
New clients will receive a Vedic Astrology Reading of their life in general with remedies to all obstacles affecting their life in general. This will help understand the energies shaping their life and how they can improve certain areas.
Following the first reading Vedic Astrology is used as a helpful tool on a yearly basis to give insight and advice for the upcoming year.
Many returning clients as well as us at Green Tara use this method once a year to get a better insight on what to expect with helpful advice.Appointments are done through live video connection online and includes a recording.
Pricing: $180 (~1 hour)
Our professional Vedic Astrologer Rajiv is located in the Northern part of India and has been helping clients, including many celebrities worldwide to improve the quality of their life for over 20 years through Vedic Astrology.
After completing university in Chemical Engineering and Economy he got involved in
in-depth and extensive astrological studies and has been focused on helping others through Vedic Astrology since.
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