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The 3 elements that determine our life and future

November 23, 2020

From over 10 years of research and experience I put together a theory which I refer to as "The Life Element Theory". I always explain to my clients when preparing them for their Indian Palm Leaf Manuscript Reading; there is no such thing as a 100% precise prediction. If anyone else tells you otherwise, they're wrong.

That been said, the Palm Leaves are by far the most accurate prediction method I know of, but they are not carved in stone either, however they do provide very helpful remedies, tools and advice to help us achieve the best possible outcome in all areas of life.

Although they're very helpful and still contain highly accurate information with super useful guidance, you have the option to change certain things that are written for you in them. For people who are afraid or hesitant about predictions and refer to them as "self-fulfilling prophecies" this may be good news, but for those who were expecting to have their future told step by step so they can just sit back and attend the ride...believe me, it's still good news.

There are several types of prediction methods out there. Some of them are more reliable than others. The reason for this is because there are three elements that can also be referred to as effects giving us the life that we have. Most prediction methods can only see one of these elements and some may see two (as mentioned, the Palm Leaves are the only method I know of that is accurately able to see two of the three) but there is no such prediction method that is able to see all three:

1. Planetary effect

The planetary effect is based on the minute we were born and the alignment of the planets at that exact time.

As we know from elementary school; everything is energy and vibration. The way the Moon's energy affects water on Earth and causes tides, other planets have strong energies affecting us as well.
These energies burn into our system and give us certain qualities in our lives, certain personality traits, give us obstacles and "borders" to our lives. They're a big part of determining what we will go through and what attitude and energy we'll start off with. The most common method that uses planetary effects for predictions is astrology.

2. Karmic effect

Many therapies, belief systems and prediction methods acknowledge past lives and Karma. There are science journals that write about different cases such as trauma or accident victims who suddenly started speaking languages fluently which they have never learnt before. Amazing documentations about children describing very specific experiences and memories from when they were someone else in past lives (children are usually able to remember past lives up until the age of 4).

Based on our actions from previous lives we have generated good and bad karma which impacts our current life and gives us certain qualities, personality traits, obstacles and determines a lot of the experiences we will go through in our future.

There are a few prediction methods that are able to see past lives (more or less) and how they affect our present life.

3. Free Will

The reason there is no such thing as a 100% precise prediction method is exactly because of this; the "Free Will". The effort we choose to put into our lives in the "NOW" is what we call "Free Will" and there is absolutely no prediction method that can see or decide this for us.

Depending on the efforts we put into our lives, and through that effort and energy what decisions we make we can adjust our path given to us by the Planetary effect and the Karmic effect.

When I say effort, I mean self-improvement, self-care, self-love, therapy, meditation or spiritual exercises. Through this effort we generate a lot of energy in our lives that we can focus towards changing certain outcomes.

Even though a lot of basic energies and obstacles that are bound to be in our life are determined by the Planetary effect and the Karmic effect, we still have power over the actions. There are some cases when we can't change certain obstacles or experiences we have to face, but we can determine what energy and level of consciousness we go through them with.

Why are Indian Palm Leaf Manuscripts useful?

Keeping all the above in mind, I would like to emphasize that the most important part of a prediction is the guidance, help and advice it gives you. If it only states facts about what will happen in your future, it's more of an entertainment method than an effective tool of self-improvement.

The Palm Leaf Manuscripts (Nadi Leaves) acknowledge all three effects above and provide solutions, guidance and advice that you can use to minimize or avoid the negative events and effects.

An important part of the Palm Leaves is in fact the personal remedies it gives that one can do in order to better their life.

I'll be writing more about the pujas (remedies) and how we can improve our lives in my next posts.


Taking all the above into consideration at the end of the day, we do write the playbook of our lives with certain guidelines provided upfront.

We're all dealt a set of cards that we can play the way we want.

We can choose to play for the sake of it because we already have the cards in our hand anyway, or we can choose to put mindful effort into winning while enjoying every second of it.

Written by Vera